Chasing Curiosity

A journey into the minds and lives of individuals who have dared to follow their curiosities, no matter where they lead. From groundbreaking innovators to everyday dreamers, guests share unique stories of exploration, discovery, and the transformative experiences that come from asking ’Why?’

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Thursday Aug 17, 2023

Lea Ketchum is a fitness coach, mindset coach, and leads plant medicine retreats for women. In this conversation, we talk about
- Lea's journey through starting bikini show prep and then calling it off- The ego, what it is, and how you can can come to peace with- Where trauma really comes from and how to heal it- Ayahuasca and the impacts that it has had on our livesLea's Links
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Tuesday Aug 15, 2023

Today's episode is a solo episode where I share a story that I've never told anyone before. It's been something that has been coming to my mind a lot lately so I figured why not share it on the internet.
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Thursday Aug 10, 2023

Nate Norman is (as he puts) a believer, dad, husband, speaker, author, coach, and teammate. In this conversation, we talk about becoming the best version of yourself.
- Believing in yourself- Being a person of integrity- Importance of spirituality in self development- Giving away what you want in life
+ much more
Nate's Links
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Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Jon Kilmer is a music producer, film producer, and co-host of the YNK podcast with Mike. Just to name a few of the hats that he wears. In this conversation, we talk 
- How Jon got into the music industry including inventing frat rap, working with hundreds of artists, and the early days of touring with Mike
- The importance of divine timing and how to almost guarantee success in life+ much more
Jon's Links
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Thursday Aug 03, 2023

Alex Cherry is an online men's health coach and Recovery Advocate.  In this conversation, we talk
- Alex's journey from being addicted to heroin and going to jail to now being 6+ yrs heroin free and helping others with addiction- Lessons he learned from Narcotics Anonymous, cold water, and mustard- how to pick yourself back up off the ground when you get knocked down hard in life.Alex's Links
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Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

Brian Schwartz is a former professional martial arts fighter winning 6 World Championships in Karate and 1 ISKA Kickboxing World Super Middleweight Championship. Brian is now the founder and owner of Undisputed Boxing Gym in CA. In this conversation, we talk about Brian dropping out of community college to pursue his dream of fighting professional Karate using a credit card to pay for his initial tournament entrance fees, the mental transition when he retired from fighting at 34, and different lessons he's learned from his years both competing and coaching martial arts. If you get any value from this episode, it would do me a huge favor if you liked & subscribed on the platform that you're listening on. Brian's Links
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Thursday Jul 27, 2023

Al Killeen is a 3x Founder & CEO who has been a top 3% Life & Business Coach for the past 23 years. In this conversation, we talk about his journey building and selling companies to becoming a Coach, why the majority of people go to the grave just as an older version of their middle school self, and living a life based on a personification of values rather than ego.Al's LinksTwitterLinkedInIntegrative Mastery Program 
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Tuesday Jul 25, 2023

Adam Kitchens is an online and in-person personal trainer.  In this conversation, we talk about the experience of Adam donating his kidney to his father who was going through kidney failure, his journey of quitting his job to do PT full time while having a wife and 3 kids at home, and how growing his faith has impacted his life over the last few years.Adam's Links
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Thursday Jul 20, 2023

Jared "Lord" Williamson is a YouTuber that creates comedy travel vlogs. In this conversation, we talk all things travel
-why he loves travel so much-what he's learned from his travels-how he travels while still working a "normal job"-differences traveling in South America and Asia
But we also talk about his past lives creating comedy skits, doing stand up, being an assistant for an NBA player, among others. And finally we talk about creating a life that works for you where you're excited to wake up every morning.Jared's Links
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Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro is a former Professor of Exercise Science who holds her PhD in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise and left academia to become a Health and Nutrition Coach.  In this conversation, we talk about her journey from entering school as a music therapy major to going on to get her PhD in Human Nutrition, following curiosity and trusting herself while changing her path in both her academic and professional careers, how to make sense of research studies, and taking a lifestyle behavioral approach to health to focus on improving all aspects of health rather than the number on the scale. 
Dr. Fundaro's Links
Gut Health eBook
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